Measurement of the participant’s personality is an essential input for the toolbox and starting point for the development process.
Assessment tools like SHL’s OPQ, TalentQ’s Dimensions and Cut-e’s Shapes questionnaires have developed towards instruments for non–psychologists, for instance recruitment officers, to do their work. But many of the available assessment systems are still marked by the legacy of the psychologist–era and the reviewers involved use consequently ‘the language of psychologist’.

As a stand alone tool, TalentQ’s, SHL’s and Cut-e’s systems produce reports with descriptions that can be seen as psychological snapshots, but they are not robust enough for deep self–reflection about leadership; they lack simply the leadership/professional role type of language.

Since an inventory of behavioural preferences is not very clear about the possibilities and risks of behaviour and about strengths and weaknesses, LDpe added the concepts of Daniel Ofman’s core qualities in the toolbox and delivers, in the toolbox-reports, some important checklists of potential qualities and possible pitfalls.  

The LDT can use different personality profiles as input

LDpe's clients may have standardised in assessing their people with a certain personality questionnaire. And LDpe want to respect their chosen standards.
Therefore the LDT offers different input possibilities of the most famous traits instruments:
SHL's OPQ, Cut-e's Shapes Executive, TalentQ's Dimensions and Cubik's Papi 3.