The LDT Simulation module will help you to analyse the impact of adapting behavioural preferences. By changing the behavioural preferences you will be able to develop a broader Style portfolio, which enables you to cope with a larger variety of situations.
The reports can be used for deeper analyses and reflections and for your discussions on the direction of your development as a leader. They may support you in defining your Personal Development Plan. You should be aware of that changing behavioural patterns is difficult. Even for changes that may seem 'easy' you will probably need the support and continuous feedback from others (coaches, your boss, colleagues or friends).

Scenario Simulation 1
(yellow, Quick Wins) includes the change of two behavioural preferences: more Persuasive and more Behavioural.
Scenario Simulation 2

(orange) includes three additional changes:
more Caring, more Forward-planning and more Conceptual.

Below you see the effects of both development scenarios in resp. People Interation Styles, Change Management Competencies and Commercial Roles.

An example

Below you see the profile of a leader.

In this case it is a profile created with SHL's OPQ personality questionnaire. The LDT operates also with TalentQ's Dimensions, Cute's Shapes Executive or Cubiks Papi 3.
For the person with this example profile LDpe has developed development two simulation scenarios (simulation 1 and simulation 2).