Leadership Effectiveness
LDpe helps clients to improve Leadership Effectiveness by focussing on the Quality of Leadership, designing processes and building enabling instruments.
With Leadership Effectiveness we mean:
- The Behavioural Effectiveness of the individual leader;
- Fit-for-role of leaders and leading professionals;
- Team Effectiveness of leading teams;
- The effectiveness of the leadership development process.
LDpe has developed a number of instruments for leaders.
The Leadership Development Toolbox (LDT) and the LDT Simulation Model (LDTS) are instruments for the development of individual leaders, the IM360-questionnaire is an instrument used in workshops for team effectiveness purposes.
Personal Behavioural Effectiveness
It is obvious that self scores do not predict behavioural effectiveness. ¹)
Many of the effects that leaders intend to achieve are effects that should be realised via and by others.
The way we interact with others and the way others respond to our interactions are even more important than how we ourselves think we behave. The awareness of the effects of our interactions is essential for the development of our behavioural effectiveness.
So, in order to find out something about the effectiveness of his/her behaviour a leader needs to learn how others perceive him/her. However good the measurement and the instruments may be, an assessment score is no more than a good starting point!
The learning from the perception of others is far more important that the exactness of the measurement. To become more effective as a leader can only be achieved by interaction and learning from others.
1) With personal behavioural effectiveness we mean the degree in which the behaviour of a person leads to the intended effect in the response from others.