Implementation of
Leadership Development

Some successful organizations have been able to develop a coherent strategy for improvement of their leadership culture, impacting both on the individual level and the organizational level, but still a large number of organisations have not really been able to see tangible effects of their LD-investments.

LD requires a coherent set of rules, processes and tools to be implemented all over the organisation.

Although many organisations have some of the processes in place, one could question whether these processes effectively contribute to the above indicated aims and if they help to create enough focus on the quality of leadership. And, for instance, whether the necessary leadership pipeline information is available for smooth and successful successions.

Organisations should consciously develop a 'common leadership language'.
A language that creates the right communication such that it contributes to the alignment and the connection of the different processes.

Necessary preconditions for implementing LD

Necessary preconditions for achieving a well functioning leadership development process are:

  • Leadership Development requires ownership in the top of the organisation. Top executives must take full responsibility for the quality of leadership in the organisation, the development of their potential successors, and the development of their talent pool. They must embed the leadership development processes in their regular business approach and create a dynamic view on career development in the light of organisational development and they must wholeheartedly support the internal mobility of talented leaders.
  • To ensure that such processes will be implemented, embedded and executed, top executives must appoint, under their own responsibility, a qualified and respected person in charge of these processes. 
  • The implementation of a common leadership language by using the same instruments, norms and criteria will, on the basis of an active ownership at the executive level, enable the organisation to become a networked, multi-cultural organisation with a strong leadership, based on the organisation's common values and potential strengths.   
  • There should be a common opinion inside the whole organisation on what is meant with good leadership and the 'leadership language' should be defined in the most practical way, for instance on leadership styles. The dialogue on what is 'good leadership' must be an ongoing process all over the organisation. It should support the leaders of the organisation in being role models for their people and inspire them with a sense of direction.