What users tell us about the Leadership Development Toolbox
This is what Christian tells us about the LDT based Career Counselling process:
The LD-Toolbox makes personal development very concrete and measurable for me.
For example:
The Simulation Module helps me to focus on the development of specific skills that I need to improve my leadership styles portfolio.
Susanne Birgersdotter
keynote speaker, author, and serial entrepreneur.
She was an outsider in school. She didn’t know what to do with her life. Her first business failed miserably. But she never gave up.
From her kitchen table, without any prior knowledge of IT or programming, Susanne created an application that rose to the top of the App Store.
This is what Susanne tells us about her LDT based Career Counselling process:
What I like best in the LDT is the checklist on Qualities and Pitfalls (my strengths and weaknesses) and the Kernel Quadrants method that helps me to become very much aware of them, and how I can avoid ineffective behaviour (my pitfalls) while applying my stronger qualities.
In April 2017 Christian Kromme became user of the Leadership Development Toolbox (LDT), some days before his book Humanification was published and in no time became a worldwide bestseller.
In January 2019 we assessed Christian again.
His growth in Leadership Styles was spectacular:
Susanne Birgersdotter is a Swedish serial entrepreneur, investor and global speaker.
She is the founder of Stockholm App Lab, iGotcha SBDM Invest, Birgersdotter Innovate and Partner in 13a Studio.
In January 2019 Susanne Birgersdotter became user of the Leadership Development Toolbox.
Below you can see how Susanne will develop her Change Management Competencies.

This is what Hans tells us about the LDT based Career Counselling process:
As I see it, the LDT is an extra-ordinary set of tools, with a very broad applicability.
I like many of its modules.
My favourite is the LDT360, that enables me to organise for very valuable and honest feedback.
Hans Pieters, entrepreneur,
CEO Utrecht City Concepts

Utrecht City Concepts signs for a number of extraordinary concepts, for instance an increasing series of successful smaller boutique hotels in the City of Utrecht.
Hans Pieters is a successful, creative entrepreneur with a broad style portfolio. He became a user of the Leadership Development Toolbox in March 2018.
Already from the start, Hans has disposed of a rather large style portfolio. The simulation module has helped him to further extend it.
Both Susanne, Christian and Hans are, of course, extraordinary people! And, of course, we are proud to have them as LDT users. But the Toolbox is also a perfect means to accelerate the development of ordinary people, like you and me. More than 3000 leaders and professionals, all around the world, have used the LDT for their personal and professional development.
By the way, the LDT is not only used by individual participants. The Toolbox is also frequently used by (Management and Project) Teams, in the Team Effectiveness Programme.
Or by organisational departments, in the Fit-for-Role/Quick-Wins Programme.
Or by well established organisations in the Programme for Gearing Up Innovation.
Here are the different processes of the LDT. You can read more about them via the top menu.