The Johari Window
When you wish to reflect on your own qualities and pitfalls, it is important to realize that it will not always be possible to observe yourself objectively in the interaction with others and it will certainly not always be possible to see the effect of your behaviour on others.

Kernel Quadrants
Everyone has certain qualities and it is important to know what those qualities are.
But overabundant use of a strength can become a pitfall. And knowing the pitfalls of one’s own qualities is important to be able to avoid them. Since the LDT Review, you will have become more aware of that the higher and lower scores of your behavioural preferences may be indications on both your potential qualities as well as potential pitfalls. The first learning from the assessment therefore was the awareness of these qualities and pitfalls.
Ofman states in his theory that someone’s strength at the same time can be his pitfall. When this person is aware of this, he might learn to take advantage of his strengths while avoiding the pitfall of it. When he has identified the challenge for avoiding the less effective behaviour, he will probably discover that there is an allergy in his ‘blind spot’ (quadrants 3 and 4 in the Johari window) that he also needs to be aware of in order to combine the quality and the lessons learned from the challenge.

(figure to the left, movie below) helps us to understand this. To organize consequent feedback from trusted people is often the best way to discover your less effective behaviour.
During the 1:1 reviews with your observers, especially field 3 ‘What someone else can see without me being aware’ is the challenging field where you, when in the mood for learning, can learn many lessons.
See also

Kernal Quadrants

Kernel Quadrants theory
It is well known that the realisation of behavioural change is not easy and that style preferences often are deeply rooted in the character of a person. Major changes of one’s character is hardly possible at all. However, with thorough awareness and a strong desire to improve, changing ineffective behaviour will be realisable, although in some cases professional coaching might be necessary to succeed. But success can only be achieved as long as the person stays ‘natural’.

The concept of kernel quadrants (designed by Daniel Ofman) can be used to identify strengths and pitfalls.