The Leadership Development Toolbox (LDT) is a singular, unique, toolbox, providing participants with a systematic means for self-reflection and self-development within coherent framework. It has been used by more than 3.000 leaders and leading professionals in 25 countries.
The LDT has a proven record in:
· Accelerating self-development;
· Developing the quality of Leadership;
· Improving the effectiveness of the professional organisation;
· Creating the right environment for Innovation & Growth.
The LDT enables a number of processes for individual leaders and leading professional, for teams and for organisations.
The LDT stimulates the individual participant
by providing a detailed insight in personal strengths, giving guidance towards improved behavioural effectiveness and supporting the development of an extended leadership styles and professional roles portfolio, through the following processes:
- Personal Leadership
- Career Counselling:
Competences & Styles
Professional Roles
Innovation & Change
Personality assessment
By completion of a personality questionnaire, the participant makes an inventory of his behavioural preferences. The outcome of this assessment, his personality profile, will be used as an input for the LDT. It will, during the development process be translated into several reports.
The Step-Up program Personal Leadership
The participant will:
- Learn about his personal Core Qualities and improve his behavioural effectiveness;
- Identify his personal pattern of motivational flames and find out how to grow and nurture these flames;
- Train the CEO Brain and see how to use the plasticity of his brain for self-development;
- Take advantage of the proposed simulation scenarios that will help to set course in the self-development process.
Competences & Styles
The LDT will calculate and present the participant’s competence profile that presents how his capabilities to perform different task relate to his behavioural preferences profile.
The stressor profile will inform him about his stress pattern and enable him to reflect about his strategy to cope with tensions. And the Leadership and Workers Style Reports inform him about the portfolio of dominant style, and show how these styles are related to the strength of the different competences.
Professional Roles
The Professional Roles Reports will show the participant’s Role Portfolio for the Sales and Acquisition domain and the different Program Management roles. The competency profile for Change- and Intervention Management and the competencies for operating as a self-employed professional.
Innovation & Change
Innovation is a result of social interaction, explicit exchange of information, learning by doing, internalisation and leverage. Every individual participant in a development process contributes in his own unique way, because different personalities play different roles and are differently biased
The individual reports will make the participant aware of his preferred team roles and his personal biases in the style of thinking, reflecting and communicating and his competencies and preferences in the field of innovation.
The LDT360 module
With the LDT360 module, the participant will invite trusted people from his own environment as observers, to complete a questionnaire about how they perceive the participant’s behavioural preferences. Upon this, LDpe will provide abundant information about the observer’s scores, which will help him to prepare for the 1:1 feedback reviews with individual observers.
Toolbased Team Assessment and Team Design
LDpe has developed a toolbased methodology with which, step-by-step, the individual and team qualities can be identified and mapped. We give attention to the 'completeness' of the team and the interaction between team members, but also to the omissions in the role pattern and the strengths and weaknesses of their strategic reasoning and innovative thinking pattern.
With these insights the team may aspire to improve its functioning and realise further growth.
But before that type of steps are initiated, a survey will have to take place on possible barriers, obstacles and risks.
Besides it is very necessary that all involved have the willingness and readiness to continue with such next steps.
LDpe ’s Team Effectiveness Program
This program includes a series of one-day workshops for teams.
Every workshop follows a well-thought-out format and is supported by a unique enabling toolset.
In a systematic way, the team will stepwise strengthen its functioning, improve the interaction between the team members, who learn to deliver effectively as a team.
Subsequently, the team will focus on identifying its challenges, while testing and challenging its strategies and driving innovation.
The IM360 questionnaire
Completing this questionnaire by all participant precedes the TE I workshop; TE II is a kind of natural next step. TE III is optional and may be called for when the team struggles with the challenge of strategical issues and TE IV is the starting point of the program Gearing Up Innovation.
TE I Perceptions versus Intentions
The workshop focuses on 'internal effectiveness', the inter-relations between the individual team members will be discussed among themselves, while analysing the differences between perceptions and intentions.
TE II Collaborative Leadership
The workshop focuses on the intermediary and external effectiveness, the interaction with subordinates and the external world and on the team’s readiness for delivery.
TE III Solving Complex Problem
The workshop will enable the team, or an extended team including some closely involved professionals, to work out new solutions for the organisation’s strategic challenges.
A few specially composed sub-teams will elaborate rejuvenating and innovative solutions.
TE IV Initiate Innovation & Change
This workshop is the starting point for the process 'Gearing Up Innovation'.
The team mobilises the forces for innovate developments, necessary to cope with changing market conditions and position the organisation for the future.
The Programme Gearing Up Innovation
The program 'Gearing Up Innovation' is a program for organisations that wish to unleash the power and creativity of their employees for the design of the next innovative step and for kicking off the anticipated change.
The program will create the right stimulating climate for outside-the-box thinking, idea generation, design of new products-services and re-invention.
It will have an impact on the organisation, will help the organisation to adopt to and play a role under changed market conditions, and make use of new technological trends and distinctive enablers for development.
Besides the ultimate goals of the program, it will certainly have an impact on all participants as well:
- more effective behaviour
- better teamwork
- increased cohesion
- developing individual talents
- accelerated learning.
Fit-for-Roles and Quick-Wins programs
With the help of the LDT we can:
- Give you an insight in the fitness-for-role status of your professional staff;
- Provide information about best fits and possibilities of quickly increasing the fit-for-role status;
- Help the individual participant to realise ‘quick wins’ in critical competences for role-fulfilment.
Use of the LDT for selection of the best fits
The function Plotting Roles & Candidates Selection
The LDT can be used as well for selection of candidates for a certain job.
Based on the Fit-for-Role inventory LDpe can make a ranking of candidates for the role.
The 12 conceptual professional roles LDpe has defined will be used as the different components of the job. We can specify the job with these components and give them a weight.
Subsequently LDpe will provide a ranking list of the best fits for the function.