Organisations need to innovate, but how to make it happen?
What is Innovation ?
Many organisations and their leaders understand rationally that internet has dramatically changed their market and that they themselves will need to learn how to continuously innovate. But what should they do and how should they act?
In a recent Dutch publication Regie over Innovatie (2019), the author, Professor Dr. Ir. Bart Bossink, argues that it is possible to keep control over the innovation process.
He lists the different elements in an innovation process (see the picture) and gives us an overview of what innovation is alle about.
In this theme, Innovation & Change, we will argue that controlling (the outcome of) innovation is far more difficult that running a normal business.
We will, on the page Success or Failure, confront you with the fact that 80%-90% oif innovations are failures.
And, under The Nature of Innovation, we will argue that Innovation is a bottom-up process. It is the result of human action, not of human design, created by trial and error, hardly ever the result of conscious design. This makes it very difficult to plan for innovation results. But, in order to survive, organisations need to continuously innovate.
Even if innovation seems untamable and unpredictable, it is, however, possible that organisations build up their capabilities for innovation.
And, it is also possible to increase the chances of successful innovation by creating better preconditions for the innovation process, by establishing an innovative culture and by composing innovative teams. LDpe is a specialist in this, because we apply data of the participant's personality in a spectacular new way. We design teams with diversity in thinking styles and team roles, such that the chances of innovation to happen is realised to the optimum.
Our approach: Creating preconditions for Innovation & Change and composing teams with diversity in thinking styles and team roles
With a specialist team of experienced leaders in innovation LDpe has developed an approach and designed a process to create the perfect preconditions for Innovation & Change.
Our approach can help you to create the right stimulating climate for outside-the-box thinking, idea generation, design of new products-services and re-invention.
Further under this theme we describe The Process of Innovation from different perspectives (the individual, the team, the organisation, the market(s) and society.
After this we describe the different Innovation Team roles and Thinking Styles we use in the Advanced Team Design Tool.
Under An Innovative Organisation we describe how to develop an organisation with continuous ongoing innovation.
Under Unleash the Power for Innovation we suggest to mobilize the intellectual capital of the organisation (the non-managers) and make them contribute in the innovation process in Natural Working Teams under the sponsorship of top management.
Gearing Up Innovation describes the program in which we create an innovative culture and engage creative teams in the innovation process.
And in Design of Natural Working Teams, we specify the way in which we compose creative teams.
In the following chapters The Advanced Team Design Tool, Peer Coaching and Enablers for the Process we describe the enablers we use in the program.
Under Innovate with your Client we ask your attention for the fact that it is not necessary to organize the program with your own personnel. To involve you client(s) is certainly a very good option as well.