El Leadership Development Toolbox (LDT) ha sido construido para ayudar lideres y profesionales en su auto educación mediante la creación de conciencia además de conocimiento y estimulando retroalimentación y reflexión sobre la eficacia de conducta y el desarrollo de estilos de liderazgo y la carpeta de papeles profesionales.
Participantes al proceso LD a base de instrumentos van a aprender de tres maneras:
- Aprender la “lengua” lo que quiere decir conocer los modelos, conceptos y definiciones que les hará capaz de reconocer con mas precisión sus dimensiones de actuar, sus estilos y definir sus metas personales de desarrollo;
- Aprender mejor a sí mismo, o sea interpretar la puntuación de la evaluación propia y la de los observadores y por ahí la interacción de gente dentro de su propio ambiente seguro, ver las consecuencias de su conducta propia y ver las posibilidades de desarrollo;
- Aprender en camino o sea escuchar bien y conscientemente practicar las lecciones aprendidas y lograr conducta mas adecuada en las situaciones de cada día.
LDT-based Career Counselling (LCC)
LDT-based Career Counselling is an offering for ambitious leaders and professionals who want to improve their self-understanding and accelerate their personal development supported by an advanced toolset.
The LCC-process
The LDT-based Career Counselling process comprises of eight subsequent steps in which participants gain will new insights about their own qualities, pitfalls, personal behavioural effectiveness, their motivation, competences, fit-for-roles, style- and role portfolio, their team behaviour and contribution in innovation processes, and short term and longer term development potential:
I Getting acquainted and Starting Up
II Personal Leadership
III Competences and Styles
IV Professional Roles
V Innovation and Change
VI LDT360: Others' Perceptions
VII Lessons from Observer Reviews
VIII Career Objectives and Personal Development Plan
The Leadership Development Toolbox
An important enabler of the LCC-process is the Leadership Development Toolbox (LDT).
The LDT’s purpose is to accommodate participants with a systematic tool for self-reflection and self-development. The LDT-reports are verifiable an excellent means for deeper self-reflection about the personal behavioural effectiveness and for the development of the individual role- and style portfolio. The thus acquired insights will help the individual leader in effectively performing his role and they will stimulate him by giving direction in his personal career.
Feedback from the personal network
The LDT360 process, which is integrated in the above described roadmap, is a process that systematically calls for feedback from the participant’s observers. This process relates to step VI and step VII from the LCC-process.
After step II the participant will invite his observers, by making use of his own portal on the LDpe-website, to complete a short questionnaire (it will take them about 10 minutes). In step VI, the results of their observations will be presented to the participant, who will receive extensive information for the thorough preparation and the stage setting for the feedback reviews with every individual observer. And after the observer reviews, the lessons learned will be the main subject for step VII.
Although this LDT360-process which, no doubt, will be very valuable and educative, it may in some situations, for instance because of the working environment, be less desirable to apply in the actual case. In that case the steps VI and VII will be optional.