We believe in the developability of people and organisations. And that we can help to accelerate their development. But we also believe that the only way to make this happen is by the people themselves.
We believe that real development comes from reflection and interaction by individuals and teams and that we can stimulate learning, development and change in a systematic and irrevocable way.
We believe that measurement is a good starting point but that it does not bring anything without motivation, direction, dialogue and support.

We design our services as process formats and enabling information, stimulating improvement, focused feedback and growth of individuals and teams. And we rejoice to see the leverage they bring our clients, both individuals, teams and organisations.

Leadership Development processes and enablers (LDpe) helps client organisations to improve the quality of their leadership. For this LDpe creates focus on Leadership, designs processes and builds enabling instruments.

LDpe has a proven competence in helping client organisations:

Concerning their individual leaders
 - To spur individual leaders to reflect about the effectiveness of their own
    leadership behaviour;
 - To give individual leaders a roadmap for developing their own unique 
    leadership style portfolio.

Concerning their teams of leaders
 - To improve the likelihood of a successful team design; 
 - To improve the effectiveness of team collaboration.

At the level of the organisational unit
 - To provide information about the fit-for-role status;
 - To quickly improve the fit-for-role by realising quick-wins;
 - To develop leaders and leading professionals in a toolbased development process.

At the organisational level
 - To systematically build a corporate leadership language;
 - To get an in depth insight in the prevailing leadership culture;
 - To initiate the dialogue on the desired development of that culture and
 - To create a sustainable management sourcing process;
 - To boost Innovation & Change by creating the right stimulating climate for
    outside-the-box thinking, idea generation, design of new products-services and